Florida Hearing Matters - Fort Lauderdale, FL

Man grimacing from ringing in his ear.

There is an inconsistency in tinnitus symptoms; it seems to be difficult to know when and why these sounds happen. Perhaps you’re getting into bed one night and, evidently without warning, your ears start ringing badly. As you lie in bed, you think back over your day, and there aren’t any clear reasons for this episode: There is no tangible reason why, at 9 PM, ringing starts taking place, no loud music, no loud fire alarms, nothing.

So perhaps the food you ate may be the reason. Generally we don’t connect the idea of food with hearing, but there’s a bit of research and evidence to suggest that some foods can make tinnitus worse. In order to steer clear of those foods, it’s important to know what they are.

Some Foods Which Trigger Tinnitus

Let’s just dive right in, shall we? You want to find out what foods you should avoid so you can be sure you never have to go through one of those food-generated tinnitus outbreaks again. Here are some foods to stay away from:

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol and tobacco should be high on the list of items to stay clear of. You will definitely want to avoid drinking and smoking in order to lessen your chance of a tinnitus flare up’s even though tobacco isn’t really a food.

Your general health can be drastically affected by tobacco and alcohol particularly your blood pressure. Your tinnitus is increasingly more likely to flare up the more you smoke and drink


One of the most useful predictors of tinnitus flare-ups is your blood pressure. When your blood pressure goes up, your tinnitus becomes worse. That’s the reason why when you make your list of foods to avoid, sodium needs to be at the top. Whether you love eating french fries or just put salt on everything, you’ll want to cut way, way back.

There are certain foods that you don’t usually consider to be high in sodium such as ice cream. You’ll want to keep close track of sodium levels in everything you eat to prevent a surprise tinnitus event.

Fast Food

It shouldn’t be surprising that you should stay away from fast food if you are avoiding sodium. Even fast food places that boast of being a more healthy option serve food that is very high in sodium and fat. And, again, that’s going to have a huge consequence on your blood pressure and, therefore, your tinnitus. Let’s not forget the massive drinks they serve that are extremely high in sugar. Which brings up the next food you should avoid.

Sweets And Sugars

Candy is something that all of us love. Well, most of us enjoy candy. There is a very small portion of the populace that would actually prefer veggies. We try not to pass judgment.

Unfortunately, sugar can completely throw off the balance of glucose in your body. And a little disruption of your glucose balance can cause you to have a hard time trying to sleep. And the more you toss and turn, the more you begin to listen for that buzzing and ringing.


So, we saved caffeine for last because, well, we get it. Giving this one up is a hard pill to swallow. But having caffeine late in the day, whether from coffee, tea, or soda, can really ruin your sleep cycle. And your tinnitus is more likely to appear if you don’t get quality sleep.

So it’s not really the caffeine per se that’s the problem, it’s the lack of sleep. Have your coffee or tea in the morning, and switch to a non-caffeinated drink before dinner.

Find out What Works Best For You

This list is certainly not exhaustive. Your hearing expert is the best place to start concerning the dietary modifications you need to undertake. And it’s worth bearing in mind that everyone will be affected in their own way by dietary modifications, so it may even be worth maintaining a food journal where you can keep track of what impacts you and by how much.

Moving ahead you will have an easier time making wise choices if you know how some foods affect you. When you start monitoring how your ears react to different foods, the reason for your tinnitus may become less mysterious.

Then you will know if you are going to be sorry for that late cup of coffee.


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